Streaming War: Netflix vs. Others? No. Netflix + Others
One of the arguments against Netflix is the increasing competition from Amazon, Hulu, and Disney+ will take the subscribers away. The underlying assumption is that customers will choose one streaming service over another, similar to how customers choose cable TV. However, the evidence does not support this argument so far.
Based on a recent survey conducted by CordCutting, the percentage of streamers using Netflix increased over the past year, at the same time when Amazon and Hulu were becoming more popular. Instead of choosing other streaming services over Netflix, what we are seeing is adding other streaming services in addition to Netflix.
Full 5G Version Comes in June, Time to Talk Real
The latest update from 3GPP (the governing body for 5G) confirmed Release 16 of the 5G system will be completed on June 19, 2020. While Release 15 built the technical groundwork, Release 16 brings us towards the full version of 5G by leveraging more on low latency and massive connectivity, in addition to fast speed.
With Release 16, smart cities, factories, warehouses, and low latency applications in various verticals are no longer just empty talks as the 5G ecosystem develops.
5G Smartphone Shipment Stepping Up
China's handset shipment in April grew 14.2%, the first year-over-year growth since May 2019. The total shipment reached 41.7 million units, the highest monthly shipment over the past 30 months.
The big driver? 5G smartphone. 40% of the handset shipped are now 5G enabled. The 16.4 million 5G handset units shipped in April are more than the shipments in the prior 3 months combined.
Early Evidence of the Increase of Semi Content in 5G
One of the clear trends we see in 5G devices is the increase of semiconductor content: from the more complex processor to Radio Frequency components increasingly needed for signal transmission.
Qualcomm offered the first concrete evidence with its quarterly earnings result. The average processor price has been relatively stable at around $20 since 2006 but increased sharply to $30 in the most recent quarter.
Global Cloud Market Reached $44.5 Billion in 2019, Growing 37% YoY
AWS still dominates the space and top seats were split between the U.S. and China vendors.
Top 3 in the U.S.: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud
Top 3 in China: Alibaba Group, Tencent, and Huawei
The new iPhone SE is Semiconductor Enhanced
We have written about how Apple is making the processor a more important differentiator with the launch of the new iPhone SE. The latest teardown analysis conducted by the Tokyo-based Fomalhaut Techno Solutions showed how much more important it is. compared to the almost identical-looking iPhone 8, iPhone SE's hardware cost fell 18% to $217. But the only area saw cost increase is processors, including main processor, image processor, and communication processor.
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