Equities are currently over-bought based on most short-term momentum oscillators. As evidence, the chart below shows the number of constituents trading above their 50-day moving average. We have just experienced record highs (or near all-time highs) for all developed markets around the world.
In addition to being over-bought on a short-term perspective, valuations are becoming a huge concern.
Our second chart shows the U.S. market is currently the most over-valued since the dot-com era (based on forward P/E ratios for the S&P 500).
Is this a bubble?
If markets are over-priced and over-bought, you have to be concerned about being in a bubble. Yet, most positioning indicators suggest hedge funds and long-only institutional equity managers have not fully participated in the equity rally.
Our final chart shows investors are sitting on the biggest pile of cash ever.
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